What’s the Difference Between a Pistol and a Revolver?(पिस्तौल और रिवॉल्वर के बीच क्या अंतर है?)

Pistols are handguns with one or more stationary chambers. Revolvers are handguns that use multiple rotating chambers. Don’t use them interchangeably.

Revolvers Are Not Pistols, Pistols Are Not Revolvers

A pile of novels I’ve read described the same handgun as a “pistol” in one sentence and a “revolver” in the next. I’d say this is one of the most common mistakes in written fiction, but I’d only be half right (or half wrong, if you’re already sending the hate mail).

That’s because there’s an historic usage that dictates a “pistol” is any firearm designed to be held in the hand and fired (as opposed to being shouldered, like a rifle or shotgun), and that “revolvers” are a type of pistol. Likewise, Thesaurus.com lists “revolver” and “pistol” as synonyms.

That’s not the way I see it. Writing those two terms as synonyms in a story won’t do you any favors, and might even confuse readers. Revolvers and pistols are both handguns, but they belong in different categories.

I think of these things in visual terms, so here’s what I mean.

How Some People See It (Boo)

Revolvers are Not Pistols

(Image by Benjamin Sobieck)

How I See It (Thumbs Up)

Note that this isn’t an exhaustive list of pistol and revolver types. It’s just an example.

Differences Between Revolvers and Pistols

The Real Difference Between Pistols and Revolvers

The big difference between pistols and revolvers can be found in their respective chambers (the spot near the base of the barrel where ammunition is seated to be fired).

  • Pistols use one or more stationary chambers.
  • Revolvers use several chambers inside a cylinder that rotates.
1911 pistol chamber

The chamber on this .45 caliber Colt Model 1911 is circled. The chamber is actually located inside the firearm, so it’s not visible here. That chamber doesn’t move as the firearm is operated. Therefore, this handgun is a pistol. By the way, the Model 1911 is an excellent choice for characters in settings from 1911 through today. (Gun Digest photo)

Semi-auto pistol chamber

The stationary chamber is exposed on this semi-automatic pistol. (Shutterstock photo)

Revolver Cylinder Chambers

The five chambers in this handgun are loaded with ammunition. Those chambers sit in a cylinder, highlighted by the arrow, that rotates. This handgun is a revolver, not a pistol. (Shutterstock photo)

That difference means if you walk into a gun shop and ask to see a pistol, you probably won’t be directed to the revolvers, despite what the dictionary says. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (aka BATFE or ATF) would agree. Here’s how the ATF defines pistols:

The term “Pistol” means a weapon originally designed, made, and intended to fire a projectile (bullet) from one or more barrels when held in one hand, and having:

* a chamber(s) as an integral part(s) of, or permanently aligned with, the bore(s);

* and a short stock designed to be gripped by one hand at an angle to and extending below the line of the bore(s).

And here’s how it defines a revolver:

The term “Revolver” means a projectile weapon of the pistol type, having a breechloading chambered cylinder so arranged that the cocking of the hammer or movement of the trigger rotates it and brings the next cartridge in line with the barrel for firing.

Takeaway: Don’t Use “Pistol” and “Revolver” Interchangeably in Fiction

Because the way laws are executed depends on these definitions, the ATF wouldn’t use “pistol” and “revolver” interchangeably. I’d argue the same should go for writing fiction. To me, it’s like using “car” and “truck” as synonyms. They’re not the same thing, even though there are similarities.

Decide what kind of handgun a character is using and stick to it. If you’re not sure, just write “handgun” and move on with your life.

“Revolver Pistol?”

I watched a TV crime documentary not long ago where an expert referred to a handgun as a “revolver pistol.” Not sure where that came from. It’s like saying “ass butt.” I wouldn’t recommend this term for writing fiction, although how you describe your character’s hindquarters is up to you.

Pop Quiz: Is This a Pistol or a Revolver?

This style of handgun is called a “pepperbox.” It uses four stationary barrels. This is a side view, so you’re only able to see two barrels stacked on top of each other. It’s the same on the other side. Is it a pistol or a revolver?

Pepperbox pistol

(Gun Digest photo)

It’s actually a pistol. Pistols can have multiple barrels so long as the chambers at the base of them don’t move.

The Bottom Line

Even if you disagree with me, and I’m sure there are people who do, it makes sense from a practical perspective to keep pistols and revolvers separate in fiction. If a character is using a “pistol” one minute and a “revolver” the next, then fires 15 shots, there’s going to be some confusion. Firearm history is full of exceptions, but I’d be surprised if a revolver ever held 15 rounds. A semi-automatic pistol, on the other hand, is well within reach of 15 shots.

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